Súťaž Signal Fresh Fashion Contest, ktorá sa uskutočnila pod záštitou projektu Fashion LIVE! v spolupráci so značkou Signal, dala už po druhý raz šancu mladým módnym návrhárom zviditeľniť svoju tvorbu a zaradiť sa medzi slovenskú návrhársku špičku. Odborná porota vybrala troch víťazov a medzi nimi aj moju talentovanú kamarátku Sisu Hollú, ktorá ma poprosila aby som jej pomohla celú kolekciu doladiť. Všetci traja víťazi predstavili svoje kolekcie na samostanej módnej prehliadke počas posledného prehliadkového večera na akcii Fashion LIVE! a môžem povedať, že celý proces aj s finále kedy modelky vstúpili na mólo, bol pre mňa úžasný.
Sisina kolekcia sa volá Sardigna a vytvorila ju na základe pozitívnych dojmov, ktoré na ňu Sardínia urobila počas jej krátkeho pobytu. V kolekcii sa inšpirovala prvkami tradičných odevov danej kultúry. Florálna potlač s motívmi kvetov ostrova je dielom ďalšej šikovnej kamarátky textilnej dizajnérky Romany Skladanovej. Súčasťou modelov boli aj doplny ako turban, batoh so strapcami a ja som vyrobila na mieru šperky. Kombinovať a ladiť farby ma bavilo, tak ako vždy :)
Keďže Sisa je momentálne na stáži v Nemecku a prišla až tesne pred prehliadkou, všetko sme riešili prostredníctvom netu (zlatá to doba, v ktorej žijeme). S Romi sme išli vybrať a nafitovať modelky, čo bol pre nás zábavný zážitok. Týmto chceme poďakovať Lucke Švecovej za pomoc! :D Vybavila som aj super topánky, no bohužial zlyhal dovoz z Prahy o čom som sa dozvedela v deň prehliadky, takže sme rýchlo hasili oheň a Sisa za 5 minút 12 zohnala rovnaké páry, ktoré sme ešte v backstagi dalaďovali ku konkrétnym outfitom. Prehliadka dopadla na jednotku s hviezdičkou a mňa to všetko okolo toho veľmi bavilo a zopakovala by som si to aj tisíci raz!! :)
Competition Signal Fresh Fashion Contest, held under the auspices of the Fashion LIVE! in collaboration with the brand Signal, gave the second time chance to young fashion designers visualize their work and to rank among Slovak design elite. The professional jury selected three winners and among them was my talented friend Sisa Hollá, who has asked me to help her tune the entire collection. All three winners presented their collections at a separate fashion show during the last evening of show at Fashion event LIVE! and I can say that the process and the final models which entered the pier was amazing for me.
Sisa's collection is called Sardigna and she created it based on positive impressions which Sardinia has made on her during her brief stay. The collection was inspired by elements of traditional dress of the culture. Floral print with motifs of flowers the island is the work of other able friend textile designer Romana Skladanová. The collection also included accessories as a turban, bag with tassels and I made customized jewellery. Combine and blend colours I enjoyed, as always :)
Because Sisa is currently on an internship in Germany and came up just before the fashion show, everything was solved through the internet (this golden time, in which we live). With Romana we went to choose models and had a clothes fitting, which was a funny experience for us. We want to thank Lucka Švecová for the help! :D I arranged also super shoes, but unfortunately failed the import from Prague, what about I got the information in the day of the fashion show, so we quickly extinguish the fire and Sisa found the same couples of shoes on the last moment. The fashion show was awesome and I enjoyed it and I would repeat it a thousand time !! :)
Photos: Marek Rebroš photography Facebook
Photos: daviddoros©2015 Web
Myslela som si, že keď sa prikrčím, bude modelky lepšie vidieť. Och sladká naivita :D
I thought that when I'll go a little down, models will be easier to see. Och sweet naivete :D
Photos by me
Great collection! thanks for sharing!
thank you :)
OdstrániťInteresting :)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťBLOG M&MFASHIONBITES : http://mmfashionbites.blogspot.gr/
Maria V.
Great photos, you really caught the mood there. Great fashion, I like this style. Thanks for sharing.
OdpovedaťOdstrániťthank you very much :)
OdstrániťI love discovering new designers, I love this one,everything is so unique! Thanks for sharing :)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťCheck out my blog if you want: www.theglamandglitter.com
Tamara xxx
Thank you so much!! I am very glad :)