Presne tak, to je on, môjho srdca šampión. Mám na mysli tento sveter zo Zary. Robil mi spoločníka vždy keď bolo chladno a určite ešte aj bude. Ako sa poznám tak aj v lete, keďže som zmrzlina a balím sa do deky aj počas horúčav. Hoci je svetrík pomerne nový, časté nosenie sa už naň trochu podpísalo a začínajú sa tvoriť žmolky, ou :(
Dnes mám pre vás menšie oživenie, a to hudobnú vsuvku The Subways - Rock and roll queen. Enjoy :)
Exactly, that's him, the champion of my heart. I mean this sweater from Zara. It did me company always when it was cold and surely it will. How I know myself it will be with me even in summer because I´m “ice-cream“ and I´m packing up in a blanket during a heat. Although the sweater is almost new, frequently wearing has already signed it a bit and began to form lumps, ou: (
Today I have a smaller recovery for you, a music nipple The Subways - Rock and roll queen. Enjoy :)
Exactly, that's him, the champion of my heart. I mean this sweater from Zara. It did me company always when it was cold and surely it will. How I know myself it will be with me even in summer because I´m “ice-cream“ and I´m packing up in a blanket during a heat. Although the sweater is almost new, frequently wearing has already signed it a bit and began to form lumps, ou: (
Today I have a smaller recovery for you, a music nipple The Subways - Rock and roll queen. Enjoy :)
sveter/sweater - Zara
legíny/leggings - New Yorkertričko/T-shirt - Jakub Polanka for ELLE
topánky/shoes - CCC, Lasocki collection
náramok/bracelet - darček/present
náhrdelník/necklace - darček/present from my dad
strieborné náušnice/silver earrings
rúž/lipstick - Kate Moss for Rimmel, 01
lak na nechty/nail polish - Astor, 210 Glamourous Red
photos by: Janka
Very nice outfit. The sweater is lovely.
Such a cute look! I love that bracelet and your lip color!
OdpovedaťOdstrániťAlly @
You rock chickkk, shall we follow let me know XSE
Beautiful sweater!
OdpovedaťOdstrániťWould you like to follow each other?
Sophisticated Lace
Ten svetr je naprosto skvělý, podobný sháním už dlouhou dobu, ale za nějakou rozumnou částku. V Zaře mají vše přemrštěně drahé.. :)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťamazing sweater :)
Super fotky a nečudujem sa, že ten sveter tak rada nosíš, vyzerá veľmi príjemne :)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťAwesome pics!!
Úžasný fotky , jsi krásná ! :)
wow very nice place, and you look so lovely :)
sveter vyzerá byť veľmi mäkkučkýýýýýý a teplučkýýýýý :)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťvyzeráš dokonalo! krásne fotky:) tričko ma veľmi zaujalo
Love your outfit and the photos, you look gorgeous!
OdpovedaťOdstrániťWin two Angelica nail polishes of your choice in my international giveaway :-)
Pretty, liking a lot the tights and boots effect together.
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I found your blog right now and I like it!
OdpovedaťOdstrániťfollow u!
Hi Dominika
OdpovedaťOdstrániťI love this outfit and your style. Especially the boots. They look amazing!
I just found your blog, I don't understand anything, but I
love it. That deserves a new follower :)I see you as such a good inspiration.
Please feel free to check out my blog if you have the time.
I hope you will understand now :) and thank you