utorok 5. augusta 2014

Port Grimaud

Dnes vám prinášam prvú časť sľubovaných článkov z Francúzskej riviéry. Náš výlet sme začali v malom mestečku  Port Grimaud, nazývaného Francúzske Benátky. Toto čarovné miesto leží v zálive oproti Saint Tropez a bolo umelo vybudované v benátskom štýle architektom Francoisom Spoerrym v 60-tych rokoch. Po Port Grimaud sa môžete poprechádzať alebo si prenajať výletnú loďku ako my a počas plavby romantickými kanálmi si obzriete miestne budovy s typickým drevenými okenicami, útulnými verandami a zaparkovanými súkromnými jachtami.

Today I'm bringing you the first part of my posts about French riviera. We started our trip in a small town Port Grimaud called french Venice. This magical place is located in the bay opposite Saint Tropez and was artificially built in the Venetian style by architect Francois Spoerry in the 60's. You can walk along Port Grimaud or rent a cruise boat as we did and during the cruise romantic canals you can check out buildings with typical wooden shutters, cozy verandas and private yachts.
Každý štvrtok a nedeľu doobeda sa konajú tradičné provensálske trhy, ktoré sme však my nestihli. Ak tam pôjdete v tieto dni vy, nájdete stánky s čerstvou zeleninou, ovocím, syrmi, sladkosťami a rôznymi domácimi výrobkami, ktoré stoja určite za ochutnanie. Počas hlavnej sezóny sa raz do týždňa konajú umelecké trhy, kde obchodníci ponúkajú naozaj zaujímavé ručne vyrobené výrobky.

Every Thursday and Sunday mornings are held traditional Provencal markets that we missed. If you go there in those days, you will find there stalls with fresh vegetable, fruit, cheese, sweets and various domestic products which you should try. During the main season, once per week are held artistic markets where merchants offer really interesting hand-made products.
Ak máte chuť si obzrieť toto malebné mestečko aj z vtáčej perspektívy, nemusíte hneď hľadať najbližšie letisko. Stačí ak pôjdete na námestie d´Église kde stojí kostol sv. Františka Assiského. Za poplatok jedno euro vyjdete po točitom schodisku na zvonicu kostola odkiaľ je nádherný výhľad na celý Port Grimaud a jeho krásne okolie. Aj keď sa bojíte výšok, skúste svoj strach prekonať, určite neobanujete. Ja som bola očarená. Nielenže som mala ako na dlani celé provensálske Benátky, ale aj okolité kopce, priľahlé mestečká, slnkom zaliaty obzor, otvorené ligotajúce sa more a nespočetné množstvo plachetníc a jácht.

If you fancy to see this picturesque town even from the air, you don't have to immediately find the nearest airport. Just go to the square d'Église where is the church of St Francis of Assisi. For a fee of one euro you can go upstairs to the bell tower of the church from where is a magnificent view to the Port Grimaud and its beautiful surroundings. Even if you are afraid of heights, try to overcome your fear. I was fascinated. Not only I had at my hand the whole Venice of Provence, but also the surrounding hills, adjacent towns, sun-drenched horizon, the open shining sea and a lot of sailboats and yachts.
Neďaleko prístavu je kemp Les Praries de la mer, kde zaparkoval aj náš autobus. Je to naozaj pekné miesto. Môžete tu odparkovať karavan, postaviť stan alebo si prenajať  chatku. Sprchy a toalety sú verejne prístupné, poskytujú pitnú vodu a určite ich neprehliadnete. Vyzerajú totižto ako nejaký egyptský chrám. Nechýbajú ani strážiace sfingy a stĺpy J Najviac ma očarila cesta na pláž, ktorá bola posiata krásnymi palmami a ja som mala pocit, že som v naozajstnej exotike. Na pláži bola trošku masovka, horúci piesok, kadejakí predavači pochutín a rozličného tovaru, no relax bol aj tak úžasný.

Near the port is a camp Les Prarie de la mer where our bus parked. It's a really nice place. Here you can go with your caravan, tent or rent a cabin. Showers and toilets are public available, provide drinking water and you will certainly see it. They look like some egyptian temple. There are also columns and guarding sphinxes :) I was the most impressed the way to the beach where were beautiful palms and I felt I was in a real exotic. The beach was crowded, hot sand, sellers were selling snack and various goods but that relax was still amazing.
a selfie z pláže/ and selfie from the beach :)

Photos by: me and Zuzka

28 komentárov:

  1. It's a very beautiful place. The streets look empty but there's so many people on the beach. You look great and I love your style.


    1. thank you :) it could seem to be empty but it was early in the morning, so probably people were still sleeping or they had breakfast on the verande and I didn't want to take a pic, you know I'm not paparazzi ;) but then the beach was really crowded :)

  2. The photos are beautiful! I just can't get enough of that view!


  3. Nádherné fotky! Ráda bych se tam někdy podívala:)
    Christine G ♥

  4. This place looks totally amazing *_*

    Francesca http://everydaycoffee23.blogspot.it

  5. beautiful place !!
    and you look gorgeous !


  6. Such a beautiful photos ! I' m totally * see-obsessed * :D
    Raspberry Avenue

    1. thank you, I´m glad :) stay tuned you will see more from Fench riviera :)

  7. fantastic photos ,u ve great summer ,would u like follow each other on gfc and bloglovin please let me know i ll be happy

  8. Such a beautiful place! Great pictures!


  9. Nadherne fotky a tie zazitky iba v tichosti mozme obdivovat krasu,ktoru si videla. Fantasticke :) am

  10. wow everythings looks so nice- thanks for sharing your travel impressions!
    kisses to you and happy friday.
    Maren Anita

    FASHION-MEETS-ART by Maren Anita

  11. So jealous - really want to go on a vacation soon!


  12. Amazing photos! You guys look lovely and enjoy your holidays :)) xx Maja
    - http://modern-muffin.blogspot.com/

  13. Krásné fotky! Byla jsem tsm před dvěmi lety a je to tam překrásné:)

  14. cool pics


  15. That's so much fun! I love sailing, it's the best way to spend time at the ocean :)

    Take care always, love Christine ~ xx

  16. Amazing place! Lucky you! Thank you for stopping by!

    Evi xoxo

    The Notebook of a Fashion Lover

  17. This place looks really awesome *_*

    Francesca http://everydaycoffee23.blogspot.it
